Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Creepy Mermaids

Last weekend was a very productive one around the house.  Rory put up a shelf for our electronics in the living room to keep the kiddo's from touching wires/machines.  He also put in the child-proof clips for the kitchen cabinets and drawers.  And I painted the hallway walls tan and green. 

New paint!

Saturday night we were up so late working on things that we just let Ronin stay up too and we all wound up watching a show on the Discovery Channel about humanoids and how scientists believe a group of early humans took off to the ocean and became a different type of mammal...  They showed recreations of the mermaid-people and I said "aw, look Ronin, it's a mermaid!" and he said "Those are some CREEPY mermaids..."   The show showed how one mermaid-man sacrificed himself to a shark to let the rest of his family escape and Ronin commented "I'd never do that - just let something eat me so you and daddy could get away"  haha   Good to know...

Quinn's costume came in the mail on Saturday, he's going to be a puppy!
Puppy Quinn

We carved our Pumpkins too!   We have a pumpkin Carving Contest on Wednesday at my work that I'm going to enter them in. Mine is the huge one with teeth.  Ronin carved his by himself!  Rory's is the bumpy one with the tongue.  Quinn's is in the house still with Mr. Potato Head parts...
Family of pumpkins.

Last week we celebrated my birthday (early) and a couple of the other ladies birthdays.  It was a bacon-themed celebration per my request.  It was so yummy!  Maple bars with bacon...  bacon wrapped little smokies... yum!  Here are the other two birthday girls:

Fran, ME, and Crystal (#2)

Next is Halloween! yay!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Parties and pumpkins

Two weeks to catch up on...   a couple of weekends ago we went to a birthday party for 4 year old Madeline.  We gave her a pink cash register which all the boys took over and I heard her say in her mouse-quiet little girl voice "why does everyone keep taking my toys away?"  Poor Madeline :(  Ronin decided he wants a cash register as well, only not pink.  haha 

Madelines birthday gang (see Sean and Ronin on the right)

Quinny discovered some fun blocks at Madeline's house

Madeline's pumpkin garden :)

Happy with his candy necklace from the party.

And somehow I got out of the house to get my hair colored and cut :)

New hair and cute baby :)

Last weekend we took a day off to take the boys to the Velvet Acres farm near our house.  There was only one other family there so we had the run of the place!  And it was much cheaper than BiZi Farms...

Scare Crow boys

Not too interested in the rabbit...

Ronin loved feeding the pony straw...

Funny goats

Family picture :)

Bumpy pumpkins

Ronin and our collection of pumpkins :)

Pulling them to the car

Ronin wanted me to take our picture with his stuffed animals- so here it is  :)

Oh yeah, we went to Battle Ground Lake a couple weekends ago too, no fish biting though :(

Nice day to fish!

Still trying to catch something...

Quinny and I waiting for the boys to finish NOT catching fish ;)

Busy two weeks... I'm gearing up for Quinny's party, already have the cake designed in my head... good thing he thoroughly enjoys ripping up paper -- I'd say he's ready for presents!  

I made banana bread last night and Quinn LOVED it and wouldn't leave me alone until he ate a full piece by himself.   So surprising that he loves sugar... ha ha!

Until next week,

Monday, October 8, 2012

Kindle love

My new Kindle Paperwhite ereader from Amazon came last week!!  I love it sooo much!  It has it's own light source so I don't need to turn the lamp on to read any longer.  It even had some free word-games that I have been playing.  It's A-Maze-Ing!  :) 

Last week I got a free papasan chair from a friend for my little "reading nook" in the back room.  Not even 5 minutes after I brought it in was it confiscated by a little 4 year old I know...  He settled in with his headphones and DVD player like a cat entitled to the plushest spot on the bed...  It was too cute so I let him have his moment.

Ronin taking over my new chair.

Last week Ronin got to go to a pumpkin patch with his friends Sean and Madeline.  They had a lot of fun and Shelley was nice enough to take some pictures of the gang.

On Saturday Ronin had a birthday party to go to for Trenton.  It was a pirate party and both Quinn and Ronin came home with some pirate booty to play with.  I didn't bring my camera but I'm sure Treton's mom will post some pictures soon :)

Sunday we decided to go to Battle Ground Lake to fish and do some walking.  We stopped at Rockies Pizza for some salads to go - man I miss thier food!   Rory and Ronin didn't get a single bite but they saw a crawdad and Ronin caught a moth, so in his mind it was a victorious day at the lake.  Quinn and I took the jogging stroller on a little hike to the top of the trails and back down again.  When we got home we finished staining Ronins fort.

Not too crazy-busy, but just enough to make it a nice weekend.  :)   I love this weather and the leaves changing.... I wish I could live somewhere where it was perpetually always fall!   

Quinn's next eye appointment, where he'll get the little wing that goes between his eyes, isn't until the 24th...  He's ripping his glasses off more now that he was the first couple of days, I think he's more aware of them or something.  I guess we have a few weeks to get him used to them though.

Quinny enjoying a graham cracker

Brothers sharing a shopping cart at Lowes :)

Until next week,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Duck lips and glasses

Nana came up this last week to babysit for a couple of days while Cheyla had some time off.  The boys got spoiled with attention, new clothes and a couple of toys!  And Ronin was in rare form with his temper tantrums this weekend. Not so much fun for us!

Quinn understands "no" now and in response he puckers his lips like a duck before crying or moving on to something else.  It's the cutest thing in the world!  I wish he was doing it for kisses, but it's still just as cute. 

Quinny and his duck lips

Quinny laughing at Nana

Quinn still isn't walking, but he's standing on his own and says "uh-oh" a lot and sometimes "hey".  He finally got his glasses yesterday and he'll keep them on for about 10 minutes at a time and then take them off.  After a couple of weeks he'll get the little "block" that goes between his eyes so they won't try to cross anymore.

Cute in glasses :)

On Sunday we built a fire-pit and cleaned up the backyard, it's so nice having a little fire at night even though summer is over, it smells so good and is better than watching TV :)

Our fire pit

Enjoying the fire :)

Ronin and I broke out some of the Hallween decorations and I even put a little on his fort.  Just think, after Halloween it's Quinn's 1st Birthday!  I'm so excited for him to turn 1!  Not sure what we'll do for a cake but I want to make it special.  :)  Ronin wants to have an art exhibit of his monster drawings at Quinn's party - he says he can sell them for lots of money.  ;)

Ronin in his fort.

Another Quinny picture

Not much else going on, it was nice having Nana up for a visit and having a relaxing weekend.  Christmas is right around the corner so I've been adding items to the boys' and my "wish lists" on to make it easy for everyone...   and my Kindle e-reader is on it's way to our house, should be here tomorrow!  I can't wait to hold it!  :)  Ronin is going to a pumpkin patch with Sean and Madeline tomorrow, that will be nice for him to have a play date in the middle of the week :)

Lots of love,