Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Dadda" days

Quinny had his 6 month checkup last Monday.  He had three shots, the first shot he kind of frowned for, but the next two he wailed about until I picked him up, and he said in a very angry/sad voice "DUH" and then he was over it.   After we got home he decided it was time to start saying "dadadadadadadada" over and over...  So as much as I tried to coherce "mama" as his first word, dada came out instead... my consolation is that he doesn't know what it means and just likes to hear himself talk... otherwise I'm sure he would have said mama first! haha

I got the "walker" out this week so Quinn could be in the kitchen with me when I'm baking/cooking/cleaning - I didn't expect him to actually move the thing yet - but he's all over the place already!  I guess he got a taste of freedom and he's going with it!

Quinn in his walker

Showing me his "sweet" face

Ronin is quite the comedian lately.  I find myself laughing at the most unusual conversations and statements... for example I told him to quit trying to kick me in the butt and his response was "but my foot is your butt's best friend!"   

He's actually doing well going to sleep in his own bed lately.  We had to put our foot down and have a strict "3 books and lights out" rule at bedtime...  and it has to be me reading the last 1-2 books or he'll guilt daddy into staying in his room until he falls asleep.  He says things like "But daddy, I haven't gotten to spend much time with you lately!"  or "I just want to snuggle because I love you".  Which are both heartbreaking to hear, but he knows it will turn into daddy falling asleep in his bed with him... tricky little guy!  Talk about playing the heart strings!   The other day he told me something like that and I wasn't falling for it - and he commented "but doesn't that just rip your heart out mommy?" haha  too smart for his own good!

Rory and I were able to go to a friends party this last weekend.  She turned it into a "prom" night since her best friend never got to go to her own prom.  It was loads of fun and much better than our real prom!

Rory and me :)

My BFF Tracy :)
Those teeth again!

Quinny swinging for the first time!  He loved it!

Eating his foot

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