Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Ready to go fishing!

This last weekend we stayed at a yurt on the mountain in Welches, Oregon.  We had a good time - the weekend went by quickly!  At night our heater wasn't keeping up with how cold it was outside though and we got pretty cold!  I tried to have Quinn sleep on me (the bed was too small to sleep by me) but then my arm fell asleep so I had to put him back in his bed and cover him with extra blankets.  Poor guy he kept waking up every 90 minutes to cuddle back to sleep.  That and he's been teething like crazy...  Not a happy camper!  Ronin had a blast swimming though.  There was a nice indoor swimming pool and we all went in, even Quinny. 

Such a fish!

First time in a pool

We've noticed Quinn's eyes have been doing something funny lately -- the iris gyrates or rocks back and forth in both eyes.  Luckily he had a doctors apt set up for yesterday (Monday) for his 4 month checkup so I was able to show the doctor and we are being refered to an opthamologist for testing.  There are lots of possiblities but one his doctor and I are hoping is that it's just a little spasm that he'll grow out of...  we'll find out soon though.  I pray everything is okay!  Other than that he got 2 shots and he's in the 75th percentile overall for head circumfrence/weight/ and height.  He weighs 15 lbs 11 oz as of yesterday.

His favorite stuffed animal- Mr. Frog.

Cutie Patootie

Happy boy!

Ronin outside of our yurt

My boy :)

Happy boy & mommy :)

Brothers in Ronin's "space ship"

The weather is getting nicer so Ronin got to play on his trampoline some more and help me plant some flowers - I can't wait for summer!  This weekend we are hoping to go to the beach and play a bit with cousin Angie and her family. :)

Rory heard somewhere that 40% of women with a 1 year-old baby or younger are angry at their husbands.  ha ha!  I told him that was true...  Poor guy!  But seriously- I need like 3 of me in order to get anything done at home!  Calgon!!! take me away!!!  ;)

Lots of love,

And I've added this groovy link for Welches, Oregon - where we rented a yurt and got to go swimming! Check it out!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shamrocks & Rolling Over!

This last week Quinn decided to roll over.  Not just from his tummy to his back, but also from his back to his tummy... I think he secretly could do it but waited until he had our full attention to perform for us.  He seems very tickeled with himself when he does it too! 

Here he is in motion...

Ronin has become more animated with his stories lately and is constantly cracking jokes- he cracks me up all the time!  I think he's going to be a little prankster... look out!!

He's been having a hard time sleeping the full night in his own room since the baby was born.  I feel so bad since there are 3 of us in one room and just him in his room so we give in all the time to letting him sleep with us... I stopped battling it because I don't want him thinking I'm mean and I figure he won't always want to sleep with us... if he does when he's 18 then we'll all need to see a therapist!  Last night I came up with a clever idea of a "sleep fairy" and I told Ronin that they will check on him to see if he's still in his own bed and leave him treats...  he tried really hard last night but caved at like 2am.  I'll keep trying- he likes the idea of gifts under his pillow! 

Ronin all packed for a sleepover

Ronin tried to sleep at his friend Sean's house last weekend...  his first sleepover!  He made it until 11pm and had Shelley call us.  He said Sean was talking too much and he couldn't sleep. haha  I don't really doubt that happened but I think it was hard for him to be away for a night.  The same thing happened the first time Sean tried to stay the night.  2nd time was a charm though!  We'll try again!

Such a cute boy :)

Last Sunday was the Shamrock run!  Even though I haven't been training for it consistently I was able to jog about 1.5 miles and walked the rest of the 3 miles... not bad considering I have been lazy!  It was such a great rush though!  I can't wait to do it again, and have already got a group to do a 4 mile run at Lacamas Lake in July and possibly a "Zombie" run in August.  This running stuff is more fun that I thought it could ever be.  I told Ronin he's going to start running with me when he gets older, and he said "no, I don't want to run." haha 

Angela, me and Brandee

Angela, Brandee and me in our tu-tu's waiting to run!

This weekend we made a reservation on Mt. Hood to stay in a yurt with the boys for a little get away.  They have an indoor heated swimming pool and lots of trails to go on, Ronin is super excited and wants to swim the whole time. Oh boy! hehe

Lots of love,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jumping for Joy

We finally got Ronins trampoline put together!  He loves it!  But then it started pouring down rain and snowing this week!  booh!

Jumping boy!

Ronin and daddy decided to make a robot costume out of Quinns diaper box... pretty clever I think!

Ronin had his 4 year health checkup (and shots) last Friday.  I have been telling him they will give him x-ray vision when he gets his shots... but little did I know they were going to give him FOUR shots, not just one or two.  After the first two he was crying saying "no more shots please...."  I felt so bad for him!  Rory held him on his lap to get his shots and had to carry him to the car afterwards because he was so upset.  Quinn started crying when he heard big brother cry too, it was a mess.  Needless to say he did NOT get x-ray vision with his shots.  Poor guy!

Angie took some pictures of the kids while we were at work, it was like a little photo shoot:

Quinn with the TV Remote

"and then I was like... whoa..."

Sweet face :)

Mr. Muscles

"how you doin'?"

"I passionately disagree with what you said!"

What I came home to, baby sleeping in daddy's arms (instead of screaming!)

Pouty face!

CUTE new outfit and shoes!

After Ronin's doctor appoinment on Friday, I had to take Quinn in yesterday (Monday) to have his ears checked, he's been pulling on his left ear, getting fussy and not sleeping well at night.  Well he was all giggles and grins at the doctors office and does not have an ear infection.  She said it could be his teeth coming up that make him pull his ear... and after we were talking a while I mentioned how he gets me up every 4 hours to eat at night, and she said he can actually sleep 10 hours at night without needing to wake up... and during the day eat every 4 hours instead of 2!   Little Q has been working me!  haha  So now Angie and I are going to slowly space his feeding times out so he can work into that 4 hour eating schedule which in turn will make him sleep longer...  phew!  I wish I would have mentioned it to her a long time ago!   But he's just so cute I can never say "no"!  :)

Ronin has a sleepover this Friday at Seans house as long as Sean is feeling better, he has two ear infections.  ick.  Ronin is such a big boy going to sleepovers at his friends house, I love it :)   Of course I don't know if we'll be getting a call in the middle of the night to pick him up or not, but at least he's excited to try it.

Not a whole lot else going on with the kids, they are just growing and being silly like always. 

Quinn talking

I would get better video of Quinn but everytime he see's the camera he gets quiet and just stares at it! haha

Lots of love,