Monday, September 24, 2012

Heroes and exacto's!

Quinny isn't walking yet, but he ate scrambled eggs (cut up with a fork) and LOVED them!  He even had hot dogs this weekend (cut up super small too).  He likes eating finger foods so much I can't wait to give him more :)  Although it's very messy and he loves manderin oranges in a cup the best, which is super sticky everywhere.    He's also been doing this "duck lip" thing with his mouth lately, it cracks me up!  I thought he was puckering up for a kiss, but I think he does it when he's thinking or mad that I didn't let him do something.   Funny boy!

I did a little photo shoot since the weather was so nice on Sunday, some of them turned out pretty cute:

Ronin had a bit of an accident on Saturday evening.  He was helping daddy clean the garage or polish rocks or something and he got into a box of something and we heard him crying and he was running toward us saying "Daddy, this isn't one of your tools, is it?!" and there was blood all over his hand.  He had found an exacto knife with the cap on and when he tugged to pull the cap off it sliced two of his fingers.  Poor guy, I ran him to the bathroom to run his hand under water and then Rory helped pour peroxide and put bandaids on.  He'll be fine, but it freaked us all out.  One is a little deeper but it should heal fine.  So now the garage is off limits until we get everything put in it's place in a tote or on the work bench. 

I took Ronin to the "Spirits Halloween" store this last week too.  He was a little freaked out... but we were looking for ideas and to see if there was any "mad scientist" things we could get for his birthday party in Febraury... there weren't.  And he proceeded to tell me how the store kind of creeped him out even after we got home. haha

He doesn't look that scared... does he? haha

"Complimentary Child Care Service"

On Sunday Ronin had his first run!  It was called "Hope for Heroes" which benefited the Ronan Wilson foundation and Childrens Cancer. It was at the Pearson Airfield in Vancouver.  He and Sean got a number, a tshirt, a medal and a free snow cone at the end!  They ran maybe a quarter of a mile in a big loop.  Ronin stopped about 3/4 of the way and decided to smell a flower... and then he finally remembered he was supposed to be running and continued to run the rest of the way.  He was SO proud of himself when he got his medal.  :)  They had a blast doing it, it was so cute!

The boys at the start line

Quinn touching a plane at the Pearson Airfield

Ronin starting his race!

Ronin headed for the finish line!

So proud of his medal!

Enjoying his snow cone :)

Other than that not a whole lot went on this weekend.  We are getting excited for Halloween and this year Ronin wants to be a vampire.  I'm not sure what Quinny will be yet...  but I get dibs on his candy collection!

Lots of love,

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