Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Graham Crackers!

Quinny ate his first graham cracker last weekend at Nana and Papa's house!  He did so well I cooked him up some carrots the other night and cut them up for him to eat and he loved it!  He got it all over his face, but he got some in his mouth too!

Last Friday Quinn had his eye appointment with an eye therapist.  The doctor did all kids of things to see what was going on with Quinn's eyes and why they weren't aligning correctly.  He concluded that the eye that is crossing his nose is actually the "seeing" eye to see what's on the other side...  where we usually use the eye on the side that we are looking to see, his opposite eye is doing the looking...  The muscles are strong but the signal the brain is giving them is confused, so we agreed to glasses that will block his eyes from seeing over the middle of his nose - to see something on the right he'll have to move his (both) eyes to the right.  He is very hopeful that this will correct his eye problems and offered that if it didn't work it wasn't too late to get the surgery a few years from now.  When I asked him about loss of vision in one eye with surgery compared to therapy he did say that with the surgery more likely than not the child will eventually lose complete vision in one eye.  With the therapy there isn't the chance to atrophy since you have to use both eyes in therapy...  so with fingers crossed we are hoping to see him in new glasses soon!   I really hope we don't ever have to have eye surgery - I can't bare the thought of anyone cutting into either of the boys :(

Over the weekend we got to see Nana and Papa and go to a Huey Lewis concert with Jan and Rod.  Ronin didn't want to leave and said he'd miss Tina too much.  Poor kid.  And his sugar high lasted the rest of the day and maybe even into the following day... thanks Nana for all the sugar. haha 

Quinny and Tina

Ronin exercising with Tina

Monday Rory stayed home and I worked half the day so we got to spend a little more time with the boys and I rearranged/cleaned their rooms :)

Next weekend Ronin has his first "run"!  It's a short fun-run for kids at the Air Museum in Vancouver.  He'll get a medal and a tshirt for participating and the money goes to Childrens Cancer.

Til next week,

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