Monday, November 25, 2013

Birthday and Beach

Lately things are kind of stressful for everyone, but I'm trying to make it as normal for the kiddo's as possible...  Our next court date is 12/4 and then hopefully things will start to happen and get easier. 
Ronin got his school pictures back, pretty handsome boy :)
Ronin Kindergarten, 5 1/2 years old

Quinn's real birthday was on Monday the 11th.  I had the day off and we went to Chuck E Cheese with Shelley and Sean.
Quinn playing with his balloon, that he eventually deflated by riding it like a horse.

Chuck E Cheese ride

Chuck E Cheese horse

Funny boy

He didn't really like Mr. Cheese

But Animatronic Chuck E. was pretty cool


Playing with his new Castle Nana and Papa got him

My wonderful birthday was the very next day.  I was dreading it, but it turned out really nice.  Lots of suprises from friends, and they even came over for cake and "family feud" that night. 

GIANT singing balloon delivered to my desk from Robert :)
Pretty flowers attached to giant balloon :)
Quinn playing with his new tool bench from Aunt Brooke

Each night before bed Ronin and I write in a "journal" before we do homework and read for the night.  Last night he drew me on a horse, with a lasso (not a balloon).  I love it :)

Me on a horse.
Two weekends ago I needed to get away to de-stress and just play with the boys.  I rented a nice beach house and had Cheyla and Nathan come with us.  We had a lot of fun, there were nintendo games and tons of movies and board games.  The kitchen was soooo nice...  Cheyla made a ton of brownies and we had fish pizza.  The boys enjoyed the giant bathtub.  Unfortuntately Ronin got really sick Saturday night and puked a couple of times.  Poor guy.  He was fine by morning though.

Quinny getting his bath

Mommy and Quinn sitting in the giant bathtub
Quinn loved climbing up and down the many stairs

Ronin too

Us on the beach
Super cold and windy... brrr....

At Marsh's Museum

Cheyla, Nathan and Quinny

Ronin blocking the sun

He really didn't want to wear the hat...

Oh look there's Jake in the tank!

The boys watching Shark Boy and Lava Girl
Quinn at some point put a paper bag over his head and ran up to me (without running into the wall) and said "Look Mommy, I'm a robot!"  it was the cutest thing.  Ronin is really into crafts and projects lately, we need to take a trip to the craft store so he can be creative. 
Last weekend the boys got to go with Daddy to their grandmother/grandfathers house all weekend.  I missed them terribly, but I got to have a weekend of not picking up after them or cleaning, or yelling...  it was kind of nice and when I got to see them Sunday they missed me too. 
Thanksgiving is this week and I'm looking forward to staying home on Thanksgiving and seeing Nana and Papa the rest of the weekend.  :)
Lots of love,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween and Changes

It's been a few weeks since I've updated on the boys.  Their father and I are going to divorce and while it's going to be tough for a little while on the boys, it's going to be a better life for everyone.  They'll get special daddy time and special mommy time soon.  I hope someday they realize that mommy and daddy weren't good together but we love them very much. :)
Ronin took home a carebear a couple of weeks ago, it's some kind of reward in his class for being extra nice to someone.  He slept with it and wrote some notes in a journal, he was very excited to bring the bear home.
Carebear and Ronin

Quinn and an apple

One of Ronin's projects for school.

Quinny got to paint his pumpkin.

Ronin carved his pumpkin all by himself.

I don't know why Quinn kept doing this, but it made me laugh.

Ronin found some mustaches.

Ronin and his "zombie" teeth.

Quinn kept calling this his "thinking chair"

Ronin got a dinosaur dig kit for selling so many coupon books for school.

Roller Derby costumes at work (me, Jeremy and Deborah)

Ronin made his own zombie mask and put the blood on his clothes for halloween.

Quinn didn't want to wear the mask.

Ready for candy!

Pretty cool costume :)

He was too quick...

The neighbor kids

Pretty funny

Waiting for the bus, Quinn loves Destiny :)

Quinny watching Blues Clues in his brothers bean bag chair.
The boys and I got to escape to Goldendale last weekend to visit Papa and Nana.  Ronin missed Tina a lot.  Quinn had a blast running around the house making messes.  It was nice to get away :)

Ronin and Tina

Ronin's been bringing home books he can read each week.  He made his own Frankenstien book to read to me.  It's super cute :)  He's so creative.

Ronin reading to me.
Quinn's birthday is on Sunday!  He'll be two... they are growing up so fast.  More to come after this weekend :)