Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sharing rooms is cool.

I let a couple weeks go by since there wasn't much to report.  Besides Ronin pulling his pants down to get kids to laugh at him during a fire-drill at school...  Hoping to never hear of any repeat events...
I made a cake for a little girls birthday a couple weekends ago before we went to Nana and Papa's to help with their garage sale.  Not sure how much "help" we were since the boys kept wanting me to play with them... but it was nice to get out of the house and go visit :)
We had a few left over flowers from the anniversary pary :)
When we got home from Goldendale I moved the boys' beds together in Ronin's room for a shared bedroom and then put all the toys in Quinn's room for a shared play room.  Which has been working out really well so far!  The house is a little quieter, and the mess isn't in the living room anymore.  I bought a few "super hero" things to make their room more boy-ish.  I think it turned out well.


I'm hoping to make a chalkboard for this wall for the boys to use sometime soon. The sign in the middle says "Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero".

Quinny got into his brothers toothpaste... and toothbrush...

Quinn had a fever all this last weekend. :(  Poor guy.  It was anywhere from 99 to 103 degrees... I took him into urgency care Sunday morning because his cough sounded like a horrible wheeze and I know wooping cough has been going around.  We got him checked out and it's not wooping cough, just a wonderful virus.  He's already feeing 90% better though, I think Sunday his fever finally broke and he's been his onry self again.
 While the guys were putting up siding last weekend  I bought a "cube" organizer to replace the changing table in the play room (thank you Nana!).  I wanted to go to IKEA, but didn't think Quinn would do okay being gone that long, so we bought it at Fred Meyers.  I think it looks pretty cool, and it's stackable if we ever buy another one to put on top :)
The new organizer :)

The corner by the door - lots of movies!

Lots of toys!
This is Quinn enjoying the playroom!

Everything has been pretty uneventful at home besides Quinn getting sick last weekend.  Oh, Ronin's snail ate his beta... I don't think he killed the beta, just ate his corpse... Which seems pretty convenient.  I had to tell Ronin that "Parrot" (that's what he named the Beta) wasn't alive anymore... and he said he wanted to see him so he could flush him.  I told him it wasn't a good idea because "Gary" (the snail) was eating him and I didn't want him to see.  Which only made him want to see even worse, but I kept him from looking under the pirate skull in the tank.  Poor Parrot. I swear Gary is like 3 times faster now... and bigger...  now that I think about it, Gary is kind of creepy...

Well anyway... Halloween is fast approaching, and so is Quinn's 2nd birthday!   We have all decided that Quinn is going to be a Garden Gnome for Halloween.  And Ronin STILL wants to be a zombie even though I told him he can't wear any blood or scars on when he goes to school that day.  This should be interesting...

Take care, lots of love,

Monday, September 9, 2013

First day of school and Anniversary party!

Whew!  a good couple of weeks have gone by since I've blogged about the boys.  Lots of events happened!  Ronin started Kindergarten, Quinny's trying to use the toilet and Nana and Papa had their 50th wedding anniverary!
Bubble beards

A couple of weekends ago a little kitten made its way into our garage as we were painting the house.  The boys wanted to feed it and pet it, so we let them until we could figure out what to do with it.  Ronin made it a little bed and Quinny kept calling it "kitten!" and we fed it some canned catfood.  Ronin was begging us to let him keep it.  We just couldn't justify having a kitten right now until summer is over...  but part of us wanted to keep it too.  We finally figured out that it belonged to the house down the street - we told Ronin we need to take it back to it's mom and we could ask the people if we could keep it.  When we walked over there, the kitten jumped out of my arms and over to the mommy cat to nurse.  Nobody was home to ask about the kitten.  Ronin cried and asked if we could get another kitten - TODAY - even though I explained that we'll be getting one from Nana's house after the summer is over...   So to make him feel better, we went to the pet store and got more fish to keep his one remaining zebra fish and beta company.  We got a snail and named it Gary, and 3 zebra fish, one is big and kind of red - that one is Quinn's and we named him Atticus.  The other two look exactly alike so we call them "the twins".  I think Ronin named his older zebra fish Larry. So now they all have names. :)  

(On a side note, we found out the other day the kitten we took in for a day got ran over... I feel really guilty for not taking it in and keeping it now.)

Quinny and Ronin fighting over the kitten

Quinn loves corn on the cob now.
I finally talked myself into giving blood at our blood drive at work.  When my friend/coworker, Gene, died from cancer I made myself a promise that I'd give blood since he had to have so many trasnfusions in his last days.  I finally did it!  The worst part was getting my finger pricked to measure the iron.  Unfortunately for me, they went through my vein the first time.  So they had to switch to my other arm to actually get my blood out.  I didn't get light headed at all, and I didn't feel weak or weird after it was done either.  I've come a long way since fainting in Biology class in high school ;)

TWO bandages!
Ronin got to go to Kindergarten for just half a day on the 5th - which meant I had to drop him off and pick him up that day.


He REALLY wanted to wear his zombie shirt to school on the first day.  So I let him.

He's a "Mountaineer" now!
I picked him up from school at 12:30 that day and took him to Panera Bread for lunch and a carrot cake treat :)

His first-day-of-school treat!
He had a great day and was super excited to ride the bus on his next day of school.  His teacher is super nice and is training to become the principal.  I guess they had more Kindergarteners than they expected, so they have to hire another Kindergarten teacher soon and some of the kids will get pulled and put into the new class... I told his teacher I really hope he doesn't get taken out of her class... but we have to wait and see now.

For the last two weeks I've been busy making fluffy tissue paper flower and fondant cake flowers, with the help of my friend Byrekka and Cheyla.  We finally got to put it all together for Mom and Dads 50th wedding anniversary at Lewisville Park.  Everything turned out great and we had so much fun!

The cake

The decorations

Pinterest inspired decorations -- Tammie did a great job :)

Ronin and his cousin Max

Mom and me :)

Gail came in for a surprise visit!

Quinny's second mom

Happy 50th!

Our family :)

No cake was hurt in this event...


Terri, Mom, Jackie

The cousins!  John, Greg, Tammie, Scott, Me, David

Aw :)

My BFF showed up too!

Fun with the water!

Papa and Quinn

Ronin told me I look "shiney" here.  I told him I was probably sweaty.  haha

Good times

This morning Ronin was sooo ready to ride the bus for the first time.  He got dressed first thing and then wanted to wait outside about 10 minutes too early... but his neighbor friends were outside too so they got to hang out while we waited for the bus to come. 

Damian, Ronin and Destiny

Crossing the street to get on the bus :)

He's at the second window sitting with Destiny :)
Quinn is trying to use the toilet lately - of his own volition.  He mostly sits on it and pee's on the floor, but I keep telling him he's doing good and he claps his hands.  When he says he has to "pooh" I told him to grunt his ABC's - it's the funniest thing because he grunt/screams his ABC's - which aren't necessarily in the right order - as loud as he can.  I'm not sure how serious he is about potty training, but he's getting there!
The boys are really wanting to share a room sooner rather than later, so I might have some moving and reorganizing in my near future to make it happen...  Hopefully it will be a good thing and not cause more fighting!  good luck to me! haha
Lots of love,