Monday, June 15, 2015

Sunshine, S'mores and Slip-n-Slide!

Summer started... mostly.  Ronin's last day of school is next Wednesday!  He'll be a 2nd grader!

A few weeks ago Ronin asked me what dreams are made of.  I didn't have a clever answer ready to give him, but later we decided to make dream catchers to catch the bad dreams and let the good dreams slide down the dangley parts.
Quinn and Ronin with their dream catchers :)

Digging through the attic to get a few things out I found my old Austin Powers cardboard stand up!  I thought I lost him!  I was so happy to see him :)  The kids are slightly freaked out, but also think it's pretty funny :)

My long lost friend returned to me!

A few weekends ago we went for another bike ride.  This time at WSU-Vancouver.  I knew there were trails, but I'd never been on them before.  I didn't know they all went downhill... which meant all uphill on the way back.  We made it, but that was a lot of work.  At one point Quinn wanted to ride his own bike but he lost control going down the hill and crashed.  So I had to put his bike on the front of my bike, in a basket, and him in the seat behind me so I could return his bike to the car.  I'm sure I was quite a site, it was a balancing act and I kept thinking I was going to crash and who's going to carry me back to the car??  haha

WSU had a courtyard with water fountains :)

Some ugly art thing on one of the trails.

More art

Ronin's done with his flag football.  He brought home a sports card and photo from the team.

About a week or so ago Ronin had a fever for a few days and his cough wouldn't go away so I took him to the doctor and they checked him for pnemonia.  He didn't have it but they weren't sure at first.  It seems to be going away slowly.  

Ronin wanted to take a picture of his xray

We went and got an old-school slip-n-slide on one of the 90 degree days.  Best invention ever for summer!   I am sure my water bill is going to be ridiculous though.  All the neighbor kids were over playing too.  In fact, we've somehow gained more neighbor kids from 5th street... I haven't seen them for a couple of days when I told them I was tired and didn't want kids over... but before that they were over almost every day... making that 10 kids in my yard!   I just can't do that.  Maybe 1-2 hours at a time.  I told Ronin I don't like children.  He laughed.  I did make the exception that I like him and Quinn.  haha

Slip N Slide action!

And we made S'mores in the backyard :)


Quinn and Avayah are attached at the hip and he insists on walking her home at the end of the day.

The weekend before last I had so much fun hanging out with my friends.  I think it's going to be a great summer.  :)  Julie took me to dinner at Beaches one night, and we got to watch the sail boats go by.

Jeremy and I went to Bodega for happy hour and food on a stick.  I told him you can't go wrong with food on a stick!  I also ate a baby octopus.

I brought my unicorn mask- Jeremy forgot his raven mask. :(

That Saturday Byrekka and I had lunch and went to McMinnamin's Edgefield to walk around and have some drinks.  I brought my unicorn mask, kept it in my purse, and as we were walking I saw a woman holding another unicorn mask!  I got all excited and ran up to her and asked her to put it on, she said "Oh God No, this isn't mine!  it's that guys!" and she pointed to a guy on the golf course.  We were so excited to get our picture together!  It was the best thing ever!

Best picture ever!

Edgefield gardens

Julie, Brandee, Tracy and I recently made plans to go to Ireland next June!  I got a book.

I've gotten to know my neighbors so much lately.  I love them!  I'm so lucky to have a few single women that like to sit, chat and eat with me.  We joke that we are food motivated.  They think that I cook "fancy" meals. lol  AND they love my baking - which is great since I love to bake but don't really need or want to baked goods hanging around.  So we've been barbecuing about twice a week and hanging out.  

Katie, Gigi and Me :)

Ronin's school had an end of the school party at school on Friday.  There was food and a DJ with dance music.  It was pretty fun. His friend Jacob was there and Jacob's step-dad even bought Ronin a year book!

Ronin, his yearbook, and Jacob 

Gigi took this of me and Quinn spinning and dancing :)

On Sunday I made Tiramisu for us and all the neighbors.   Quinn and Avayah here eating their dessert.

The spacing on this blog is all weird... Doing this from my phone is harder to do! So for now- that's all she wrote 😉

Lots of love,