Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wine, Leprechauns and a Narwhal

The boys have been busy, especially since the weather has been so nice lately.  Bella is over almost every evening to play with the boys.  Quinn cries when Bella and Ronin play in the cul-de-sac without him, so I walk him out there and sit on the bench so he can play too.  But when I'm ready to come in, he cries again because he wants to stay outside with his brother and the neighbor kids.  I caught him trying to climb the fence after I turned my back, sneaky little nugget!

Quinn riding his bike in the cul-de-sac -- he's probably ready for a bigger one already!

The boys and Bella getting crafty- and messy.

They made a puppet show!  With no pre-written or thought out script their play was a little hard to follow, but the plot twist involving a song about poop was amazing.

Bedtime selfie

I brought the boys back fire hats from a sandwich place I went to at lunch.  That scratch on Ronin's face is from his loving brother.  :/

Quinn loved the hat- not the picture taking...

A couple of weekends ago the ladies and I wanted to do something fun since I didn't have the kids... again. :(   I found out there are four wineries in Ridgefield - so we all went wine tasting!  It was a lot of fun, the day was beautiful, I kept giving my wine to Julie because I didn't like most of it, and I learned the sweeter the wine the more sulfates - which are the wonderful things that give you headaches.  I guess I can never be a serious wine drinker. *sigh*

The first winery had a man-made lake, Bethanies.  It was so pretty!

Julie, Brandee, Byrekka and me

We found this sign so we had to get our picture!

Brandee, Me, Byrekka and Julie

This place had Alpacas!

Here's our picture from the Joe Rogan show we went to a couple weeks ago - they posted it on their website (along with everyone else's).

Robert got a new bbq -- it's a pellet grill!  Everything that comes out of it is sooooo good tasting!  Even hamburgers are like 10 times better on this thing... yumm....

The weather is just so nice- we even let bunny out to eat our garden... he dug a hole and rolled in it trying to take a nap, until the kids saw him looking oh-so-cute and crowded around him. 

Bunny in the garden

We decorated for Saint Patricks day and put on little green hats :)

I  was hoping this last divorce "settlement hearing" last week was the last of it... It wasn't...  and this last weekend was the third weekend in a row I didn't get to sleep in with and spend whole days with my boys.  So after the hearing I picked Ronin up and we went to Big Als for just mommy and Ronin time. He was pretty happy :)  I don't get to do that nearly enough - he's such a good boy and so smart.  He's at the perfect age where he has developed patience, some reasoning skills and I can actually have a conversation with him.  We played some games and sat for our lunch and played more!  We made sure to bring Quinn a prize back too.  Ronin told me later that it was "the best day ever! Can we do it again tomorrow?"  haha  The next day I got off work a little early to spend time with just Quinn too.  :)
Some of our prize tickets at Big Als

Ronin had to make a "leprechaun trap" for school last week.  I gave him the supplies and helped cover it in green and he took off with it.  He painted some stones gold and glitter and made a bed and a fake computer to make it feel at home.  

Ronin's Leprechaun Trap

Quinn wanted to make a leprechaun trap too!

He found a mustache sticker.

Last weekend I didn't have the boys again so Julie and I made lunch plans to go to Kells Irish Pub in Portland.  I didn't think it would be too busy Saturday at noon before Saint Patricks Day- but they were hopping!  Irish music and dancing, a whole tent set up outside...  Luckily I brought my unicorn mask-- just in case!  Although it seemed to attract some weirdos...  ha ha!

Very Irish

Julie and me :)

This is Jay- he zeroed in on the unicorn in a matter of seconds - he was also highly intoxicated.

Creepy Irish Elvis...

And Tuesday was Saint Patricks day.  When the boys woke up I had little gifts for them: place mats, new dishes and gold coins.  The night before we had all made shamrock necklaces so I set those out for them too.  And a note from me in green glitter :)  They were all excited for new stuff- Quinn was in a hurry to use the divider dishes.  haha

Yay stuff!

My boys :)

We made corned beef, cabbage, vegetables, and Irish soda bread.  
Ronin told me "this chicken is too salty!"  haha  But Little Red ate almost all of his and wanted more.

After dinner the boys wanted to do something crafty - so they made paper mache masks.  I dried them in the oven and they got to paint them before bed.  They aren't finished yet since they were still wet last night, so I'll post pictures when they are :)

Paper Mache!

I wanted to make something too... so I made a paper mache Narwhal.