Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summer Camp, Kilts, and a Week Off

Eek!  It's been about a month since I've blogged... It seems harder to upload pictures lately!

I sent this to my boss when she was on vacation.

Since summer started I put Ronin in summer camp one week, it was an arts and crafts themed camp.  He loved it and each day they made something different.  Tic Tac Toe pieces, a sports bottle holder, notepad holder and some other things.  He loved it and I hope to get him into more art classes!  This week he's taking "Mastering the Master" where they learn about a different artist each day and try to copy their style.  Today is DaVinci I think... Yesterday was Michelangelo, but Ronin missed it because he was sick.

His sports bottle holder from camp

Notebook holder

Tic Tac Toe -- lady bugs and dragon flies - so cute!

The boys have been busy with the neighbors and one week we took off to go to the beach, Oaks Park, the pottery place and a movie.  Summer's been flying by.

Silly neighbor kids

Gigi's "cold" tub

Our trip to see Nana and Papa

Quinn wanted his picture with the tractor

Ronin loves the "how to draw" book Nana gave him- he's such a good drawer!

For my "Unicorn Girl" persona ;)

Stonehenge, I told them to jump!

Us at Stonehenge

Had to do this here!

I did a free 2 week trial with Ancestry.com and it was crazy how much info they had... until they didn't.  I know the info is out there but at some point you aren't sure if you are heading down the right rabbit hole or not because it just keeps going and going and if you didn't put the correct relative in there suddenly you are related to Stalin or something...  My two weeks ended, but I got some cool pictures off of the site!

We spent the night at Long Beach, WA a couple weeks ago.  Chautauqua Lodge had a groupon and although it's pretty run down, it was perfect for us because we could walk on the trail to the beach whenever we wanted and they had a swimming pool.

Jake the gator-man


Quinn coloring

Ronin's dollar store kite- it flew better than our expensive Japanese fish kite!

Quinns kite broke right away... but he still tried!

Still trying... haha

Making castles :)

Quinn took this picture!  Complete with his finger.  haha

Ronin has a pigeon mask now and he was pretty hilarious with it on.

Ronin made me an award for 1st place at building the best sand castle. haha

The Gordons Fisherman... or something.

Quinn got an 1st place for eating.  hahahaha

Ronin gave himself 1st place for "sand-walking"

More castles!

They are eating chocolate covered marshmallows

And we went to Oaks Park with my friend Shelly and her son that's Quinn's age-- but he was afraid to get on ANY ride so that wasn't fun for them.  And Ronin discovered too late that he's still not tall enough for the big roller coaster :( he was pretty much devastated after the news.  I feel bad because I think he would have been fine!  We did go on the Spider which scares the crap out of me still. haha

I screamed a lot on this one.  haha

We went to Fire, Earth and Glaze to paint some pottery. Quinn picked a unicorn (aw!) and Ronin picked a lizard :)

Concentrating on his unicorn...

Painting his lizard

Going into the Minion movie!

My week without the boys right after my week of vacation time with the boys was really rough.  I missed them soooo much.  I got to hang out with my friends a lot but I hate being away from the kids for so long :(

Kelly, me and Byrekka at dinner one night.  Kelly is from Ireland!  She and her husband have cool info- I can't wait to go!

My friend Kim and me :)

Last weekend they had the Scottish "Highland" Games in Gresham.  I talked my friend Julie into going with me-- it was hot as hell, but we had a lot of fun people watching and looking at all their stuff. :)

I got the boys some "blunder buss" guns

I found the MacGregor clan tent and he told me a bit of history, pretty cool!

Caber tossing

I thought his kilt looked like Marylin Monroe's skirt getting blown up- haha

Not sure what the name of the game is, but we called it ball-stick, and we named him "Beardy MacHandsome"

I found a reason to get a picture as a unicorn-- this was the owner of "Clan Inebriated" and he thought the mask was pretty funny :)

And what weekend wouldn't be complete without a 3-hour IKEA tour?  It ended with the plant department and I found this little nugget.  I think he's lovely, I named him Jerry and brought him to work.  Most of the time when I introduce him to coworkers they tell me the plant makes them uncomfortable.   I wanted to name it Kevin but Ronin and I might name our future bull-dog Kevin...

I FINALLY got the boys back on Sunday -- I didn't want them to go to bed and I didn't let the neighbors over, I hogged them all to myself.   I really need to put a limit to neighbor kid times because they just make me grumpy and I get impatient and want to scream...  but when it's just me and the boys it's sooo much quieter and less stressful...

Ronin's finished lizard it's so cute!

Quinn and his gun

Quinn made a mud puddle to play in

And he cleaned himself off :)

Ronin is doing really well in his new art class!  He was very excited to show me what he's been working on- I really want to put him in more art classes - he's got Aunt Tammie, Great Grandma Naomi, and Papa's artistic gene!

Mona Lisa!

I think we are mostly caught up now!  I'm taking a week off in August... and now Cheyla is back to work.  Quinny hugs me and tells me I'm so squishy. haha  

Lot's of love,