Thursday, November 20, 2014

Quinn turns 3!

Quinny turned 3 last week!  Veteran's day holiday on his birthday came in handy - we didn't have to wait for the weekend to celebrate!  His theme was Bubble Guppies, since he loves to watch that cartoon on Netflix, although lately he's more of a Jake and the Neverland Pirates fan- but there was no changing it!  

When he woke up in the morning he said "It's my birthday! Can I open presents now?!"

Playing with some of his birthday gifts :)

Airplane mechanic

After presents we went to IHOP for a birthday breakfast and then to the party store to pick out a balloon.  I pointed out Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh, but he had his mind made up to get a Dora the Explorer balloon.  haha

Momma and the birthday boy :)

He really wanted hair stuff in his hair to spike it up.

Birthday pancakes

Quinn and the neighbor-girl, Shilo, eating goldfish crackers and Swedish fish for snack

Julie and Quinn playing with Play Doh.

The cake - Byrekka and I worked hard making the characters out of "color-flow" icing.


Singing Happy Birthday

Blowing out the candles 

Neighbors and Quinn :)

Blowing out the candles!

Unwrapping gifts

Aw, everyone was so nice with gifts :)

He gave Kiera a birthday boy hug :)

After his birthday we really starting hitting on potty training - and he's done amazing!  He gets so excited he wants a high-five and then he dances in a circle singing about how he went potty in the toilet. haha!  Part of the deal was that he could have his own underwear instead of hand-me-downs, so we have Mickey Mouse underwear on their way from Amazon.  

One day when I was turning off "Finding Nemo" I looked at Quinn and said "I'm turning Nemo off, okay?   okay?         okay??" and he looked at me and said "I'm not going to say OKAY."  haha! smart guy....

Ronin has had Mindcraft on the mind, watching endless YouTube videos with hints and secrets on how to play.  He and his friend, Bella, are addicted... So this is the beginning of video games and I'm sure it won't get better... only worse.  So I make him practice reading/writing in between videos so he's doing something productive.

Not much more going on that I can think of!  Thanksgiving is coming, I won't have the boys but at least we'll get to celebrate the weekend after :)

Lots of love,

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

King of the Wild things, Green Ninja, Amy and an Alpaca

Aw, my favorite holiday has passed now.  What have I learned?  That homemade costumes are the cutest!  and that eating all of Quinn's candy that he thought was "icky" gives me nightmares at night - plus some added pounds... :(

Our jack-o-lanterns -- a few rotted before Halloween...

A close-up of the rotting business.

The Tuesday before Halloween Ronin's cub-scout group had a Halloween meeting where the kids could wear their costumes, pet a llama (alpaca) and play games.

Rojo was very soft, but kept making noises... so now I'm afraid of llamas... :(

Ronin and Rojo

This was as close as Quinn would get--- he didn't want to get near it.

Quinn's costume looks like a bunny or a donkey at this point...  Ronin said he looks like Eeyore because he didn't have a tail. haha

mmmm... doughnuts....

Quinn was NOT amused with the mummy-game

AW!  Look, sweet little Boldin fell asleep in my lap at work!

I FINALLY finished Quinn's costume the night before Halloween.  It's the first costume I've ever made from scratch, and I have to say, I was pretty pleased with myself - especially having no pattern to go by  :)

Quinn was super excited to have a tail and a crown finally - so he danced for me.

And Halloween day we got to dress up at work:  
I dressed as Amy Winehouse-- you can't tell the difference, right?!

My friend Connie :)

My office-mate Terri :)

Some of the OPS ladies :)

My friend Deborah -- she was the dummy that stands on the street... looks just like her.

After lunch I volunteered to help Ronin's class make spider-hats.  they weren't allowed to wear costumes, but could wear their pajamas and have crazy hair.  Which is lame - but at least it's something.  It was kind of fun and I got to talk to his teacher a little bit- she is younger than me, which is weird, but she seems very patient and easy-going with the kids.  I heard someone tell Ronin "your mom is pretty cool" and he said "yeah, I know".   ha ha!  

Spider hat!

Ronin's friend Jacob dressed in Spiderman PJ's too.

 Halloween night we went to Kim's house to go trick-or-treating with her son, William, and another neighbor kid.  The boys got POUNDS of candy in just a short time.  Quinn was SO cute - he ran to each house because his legs are shorter than the older boy's.  After every house he'd ask "are we going to go to another house?"

Video of him asking if we are going to another house.

Quinn saying "trick or treat"  - kind of blurry though...

The munchkins

Green Ninja
See!  Quinn is Max- King of the Wild Things!

Gang of trick-or-treaters

Over the weekend we went to visit Nana and Papa to wear them and the dogs out.  haha

 Reading books at Nana and Papas house

Ronin's first grade school photo

Quinn's birthday is next week!  He wanted a Bubble Guppy theme... so here's the invite for a few of the neighbor kids and some of my girlfriends:

I have his birthday off so we'll probably make a day of going to Chuck-E-Cheese and get a giant balloon from the party store before friends come over...  The rest of his birthday gifts should be arriving today - spoiled boy!

Lots of love,