Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Baby Chickens, Bumble Bees and Ape Caves

A few weeks have gone by with no blogging...  Not a ton happening, summer is on it's way, the days are getting longer and warmer :)  Time to break out the sunblock and start shade-baking!
I got the opportunity to go out on a ride-along with one of our servicemen, Jared, a couple of weeks ago.  It was so nice outside!  It was really cool seeing what they do and makes me kind of jealous - of course I wouldn't want to be outside when it's raining, windy, below 60 degrees... so I'm lucky I am inside...
This was on a property in Amboy, it was so peaceful out there.

Jared fixing stuff

Brandee and Byrekka came over for dinner one night and to play with the boys.  I got Ronin a bin full of regular sized (tiny!) Lego's since he didn't have any at our house.  He loves those things.  He's actually taking care of them and putting them away when he's done, since Quinn likes to steal things he makes.  He's gone through a tiny growing up spell lately.  I can actually have conversations with him and he responds in a more mature way with his own thoughts and ideas which are mostly (even if loosely) based on realistic expectations, like gravity...  I'm impressed with his brain and think he's going to be a thinker and probably very artistic in his expressions.  He's no longer the little baby boy I was used to, he's growing up :)

Byrekka making Lego animals with Ronin

Ever the ladies man...

Ronin took our picture

Quinny sitting on the breakfast bar eating fruit snacks

Waiting for Ronin to get home from school...
A couple weekends ago Robert got 12 baby chickens!  They are so cute and fuzzy! Unfortunately for him, the baby chicken box (nester?) was filled with lots and lots of bumble bees. :( He managed to get the box away and cleaned up, but they are still buzzing around in his yard.  One evening his daughter, Madison, tried to help shovel their hive to another spot, but got stung on the eyelid... and then on the rear.  It might have been the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, and I'm so glad I was there to witness it!  Which sounds really cruel, but she was okay. Except that her eye swelled up for a few mornings afterwards...  But she was a trooper and layered up and took another shot at it while wearing her winter jacket and her dads carharts.

They're so fuzzy!!

Alesha helping Madison become bee-proof

One of our Supervisors is leaving in a month so Helen (my boss) and I took him out to lunch and to run errands.  He bought us coffee afterwards at some trendy-hipster-organic coffee bar, my coffee had a heart in it :)

Ronin and I taking a selfie

Quinny and his handgun

One evening Ronin was at the neighbors house playing so Quinn and I made peanut butter-oatmeal cookies together and sat down to watch Wall-E.  As he was sitting there with his legs over mine and stuffing cookies in his mouth while watching Wall-E he said "this is the best day EVER!"  Aw!  Simple things.  It was nice to know how easy it is to make things the "best".  Of course, he is very food motivated (like me?!), so the cookies might have helped... 

"this is the best day ever!"

Ronin brought home this card with his picture on it for Mothers day from school :)  I kind of love that he happens to be wearing one of his Zombie shirts!

On Mothers day I picked the boys up at 9am and on the way back home we talked about what we should do, I mentioned the Ape Caves and we were all super excited to go for a drive to the mountain and use flashlights and do a little hiking :)  So that's just what we did.  It was such a perfect day - the boys were still tired and a little grumpy so they fell asleep on the way there while I got to listen to music and just enjoy the drive.  When we got there we went into the ape caves just a little until Quinn made me carry him and we got to some rough rocky areas where I was sure I would trip and Quinn and I would be injured and bleeding while Ronin wouldn't be able to help us and the bears would smell the blood and come eat us...  although Ronin really wanted to keep going, which surprised me, usually he's very afraid of the dark.  So I promised we'd come back again this summer with more people and lights!

Entrance to the Ape Caves

Ronin with his flashlight

A sign

About the only time Quinn let me put him down

The inside of the cave was pretty chilly and dripping water everywhere, and it was also kind of weird when you get out of hearing distance from the other groups, and it's pitch black without the flashlights.  Afterwards we walked outside towards where the upper cave comes out so we could eat our lunch.  Nice little hike for the boys :)

Climbing some unstable rocks...

He really wanted to climb a tree...

They look super excited! haha

Eating lunch
I love this picture-  haha!

After lunch he wouldn't let go of this box of chocolate graham cracker animals

Other than that...  Not much is going on.  I took Quinn to the doctor on Monday because his cough and snotty nose aren't getting better, so now he's on antibiotics again.  Fun stuff.  Ronin starts "Lego Camp" after school each Wednesday starting this week, it should be fun for him.  And this weekend is Nana and Papa's house!  Yay!

Lots of love,